
Showing posts from March, 2023

Carrot Kheer using Jaggery || Carrot Payasam with Jaggery

 Carrots has a bright colour and it looks more attractive when we prepare any recipes using them. Carrots are naturally sweet in taste and kids would love to have them in any kind of recipes. But some kids may not like the taste. So mommies! Learn and cook some delicious meals using bright carrots so that your kids enjoy the taste.  If you skip adding carrots to the diet, one can miss its numerous advantages. Carrots are excellent source of beta-carotene and it improves eye sight. It helps to combat with Vitamin A deficiency when consumed regularly. The dietary fiber present in them cleanses the body and it helps to relieve from constipation. The recipe I made here is very delicious and healthy too since I used jaggery as a sweetener instead of regular sugar. The taste will be similar to the normal one made with sugar. But I prefer to replace regular white sugar with rock sugar or jaggery. You can also use date syrup instead of jaggery in order to make it more healthy. I also added han